Archives : Refund

  • Young man on a business trip, with his phone in his hand and an orange jacket

    Travel request and expense reports: which reimbursement process to set up?

    From local customer meetings to international business trips, all companies need to manage their employees’ business trips. When employees go on a business trip, they are sometimes required to make a travel request, or agree a travel request with their employer. But what is the point of this mission order? How can you optimize the resulting reimbursement process? Find out everything you need to know about mission orders.

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  • The essential tools for a CFO 2.0

    Is your company going digital? With the company’s various departments progressively integrating new tools, the administrative and financial department’s shift to digitalized operations will be a key part of your development as a 2.0 company. It will ensure that your company is more responsive, productive, and profitable. However, there are many options on the market. Selecting the best software and applications for your department can be a real challenge. To help you make an informed decision, we have cherry-picked four high-performance tools to optimize the digitalization of your administrative and financial department.

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  • Faire des économies en entreprise

    CFOs: how much do your employees’ expenses actually cost you?

    The real cost of managing expenses is often underestimated. Paper-based expense reports are still widely used by many companies. Processing errors can accumulate, not to mention the risk of losing receipts…

    Poor expense management can cost companies thousands of euros per year! However, there are now simple and efficient solutions to optimize expense report management. The N2F expense report management application helps companies to significantly reduce the cost of processing employee expense reports. Find out how it works…

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  • covid-19-crise-depense

    Covid-19: How to control your expenses in times of crisis

    Controlling expenses is a crucial issue for companies, now more than ever. The Covid-19 crisis has put a strain on the financial stability of many businesses. The need to reorganize work and the various constraints linked to managing the crisis have generated unexpected additional expenses. The question is how to better control business expenses and how to save time on repetitive tasks. Here are four steps to take to effectively reduce costs and deal with temporary or permanent economic difficulties.

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  • notes de frais processus validation

    Expense reports: what validation processes should you put in place?

    The expense report validation and approval process is a crucial step in ensuring compliance with a company’s reimbursement policy. It involves checking each expense incurred and detecting errors and missing receipts, while respecting the budgets that have been set. It is also a particularly tedious and repetitive process for managers and the accounting department. Here is a series of best practices you can follow to implement a more efficient expense validation process for everyone.

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  • avantage logiciel de gestion de note de frais

    Mid-market firms – 7 reasons for implementing expense report management software

    Growing companies can optimize their administrative management by going paperless for certain procedures. By switching to fully paperless expense report entry and validation, you are choosing a simplified and secure process. Digital solutions also offer several very advantageous options for fine-tuning your company’s global strategy. If you are still hesitating between manual management, Excel, and expense report management software, here are 7 arguments that will help you see the advantages of an automated solution more clearly.

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  • Service companies: re-invoicing your employees’ professional expenses

    To re-invoice professional expenses, it is essential to keep detailed accounting records to be able to track the professional expenses incurred, their amount, their nature, and the applicable VAT rate.

    To help professionals in this task, the N2F expense report management application can be used to generate expense reports in order to avoid any errors or delays in managing the re-invoicing of professional expenses.

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  • Cahier des charges note de frais

    Preparing your transition to digitized expense reports

    Is your business growing? Now is the time to think about digitizing your expense reports! Your workforce is growing, your employees are travelling more often, and business expenses are piling up. The result: your accounting department is overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and your employees’ productivity is marred by the repeated and time-consuming chore of preparing expense reports. To streamline the validation process, help teams increase their efficiency, and improve overall satisfaction within the company by reducing the grind of expense report management, switch to a digital solution! To choose the solution that best suits your needs, take it one step at a time–from preparing your technical specifications to launching your request for proposal, N2F will accompany you in your transition to digitized expense reports.

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  • PME application gestion notes de frais

    SMEs: why should you adopt an expense report management application?

    When a company grows, the number of expense reports multiplies. Although VSEs can manage expense reports manually, once a company reaches the SME stage, it’s a different story! To improve their productivity, as well as their security, SMEs can really benefit from adopting an expense report management application.

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  • workflow approbation notes de frais

    Which approval workflow to implement for your expense report management?

    Regardless of the business sector and the technologies in place in the company, the advance payment of business expenses remains commonplace. Transport, meals, accommodation, etc., employees incur expenses in their work for the company, particularly during client meetings and other business trips. It is the company’s responsibility to reimburse these expenses. In this context, it is difficult to escape expense report management. To ensure reliability and save time, it is essential to set up an efficient process for approving expense reports. Find out how N2F’s software for expense report management solves these major problems, and more…

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